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How do I become a member of the choir?

Once or twice a year (September and January), our choir hosts open rehearsals. Everyone who is interested in joining the choir can come to these open rehearsals and experience what it is like to be a part of our choir and have a taste of what goes on during a rehearsal.

After these open rehearsals, you can apply for the choir. Then we’ll schedule a voice test with you and our conductor. There is decided whether or not you can join the choir.

Can I join the choir right now?

We try to keep our choir at around 40 people. Each year we recruit twice in September and January. Please keep an eye on our website or social media to stay updated!

Do you accept male vocies?

As currently a girl-only choir, we often hear enthusiasms from guys too. Good news is, starting off 2024 fall season, we are welcoming male voices to join our choir!! So yes please feel free to reach out and contact us if you’re interested, regardless your voice gender!

Do I have to audition?

After the open rehearsals, we will schedule a one on one voice test with you and our conductor. During this voice test we will look at your vocal range, sense of harmony and sheet music reading capabilities. It is not a requirement to be able tor had sheet music, but it comes in very handy!

Is the choir only for Dutch-speaking students?

No, everyone is welcome at our choir. The spoken language during rehearsals is English, as well as the official communication via our weekly e-mail. So international students are more than welcome to join our choir too!

How many times does the choir perform in a year?

This depends on the amount of requests/possibilities there are, so it can change every year. However, we always end the season with our own Summer Concert on campus! The average amount of performances is between 3 and 5 every year.